Heart Disease in BC

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in Canada.People aged 65 years and older represent about 18 percent of the population. This percentage is expected to increase; an aging population will increase the prevalence of chronic diseases, including heart disease.The proportion of BC’s population with heart disease, referred to as prevalence, has […]
Fair PharmaCare Plan

Who is eligible for Fair PharmaCare?All residents of B.C. are eligible for Fair PharmaCare coverage if they: Temporary coverage starts the same day you register by phone or online, based on the income information you provide.Coverage is for families, not individuals. A family can be a: If one or more family members do not meet eligibility […]
Diabetes food guide

Meal Planning for people affected by diabetesMeal planning is as individual as you are. Be sure to consult your doctor and other members of your diabetes care team, such as your certified diabetes educator (CDE), nutritionist or dietitian, before making any changes to your current plan.However, there are some general tips that apply to everyone:Portion […]
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